
Get involved as a business

Ever since we opened our doors, brands and businesses have been kind enough to show solidarity and friendship by partnering with us. Some have donated children’s clothes, equipment and toiletries that we can gift on to families. Others have donated a share of their profits from sales, to enable us to keep our doors open.

Our corporate partners share our dream that no child in the capital grows up without essential items for daily life. If you share this vision, and would like to discuss donating some of your products or profit share to our work, please contact us at


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Baby banks are driven by incredible volunteers, demonstrating the power of community spirit in supporting families and coming together to raise the next generation. Thanks to the generosity of the companies taking part in this initiative, baby banks across the UK will be able to support even more families through this particularly challenging time.

– The Duchess of Cambridge

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Support us financially

The families we support are facing a range of challenges — homelessness, unemployment, low wages and domestic violence. What they all need are the essentials any family needs for their babies and young children as they start out in life: nappies, clothes, coats and shoes, buggies, cots.

Companies can help us to support more families by helping to fund the items we need to buy new; the cost of delivering items to families; and our small team, who organise more than 600 volunteers.

If your company can help fund our vital work by making a donation, matching your employees’ fundraising or payroll giving, please contact us at

Volunteer as a team

Getting groups of staff together to volunteer is a great way to build staff skills, such as teamwork, communication and negotiation. And it shows your staff and potential employees that you are a company that cares about the community.

Our corporate volunteering sessions are safe, fun, satisfying and productive. We provide a relaxed environment where you can bond as a team. We will work with you to ensure tasks are appropriate, we’ll brief you at the start of the day and we will support you throughout your time with us.

By sorting donations and packing up gift bundles for families, and driving stock and delivering items to families, teams will get to know their local community and understand what families are striving to achieve. To find out more, check out our corporate team volunteering page.

Our partnership stories